

Bondioni Law Firm in over 20 years of activity has consolidated its expertise in the field of commercial law, business and financial intermediaries.

It carries out extrajudicial advice and judicial assistance in litigation proceedings before the organs of justice of every order and degree in the field of civil law, with particular regard to the subjects of corporate law, insolvency proceedings, business crisis, debt collection, due diligence, corporate governance, banking law and financial markets.

The assistance is tailored to the specific needs of clients in order to build in the concrete case the most appropriate legal instruments that best meet the needs and objectives.

Constant dialogue, updating on the activity carried out, and assistance at companies represent added values that clients receive and recognize as an expression of organization and professionalism.

The Firm has set as its goal the training of professionals capable of expressing in the exercise of the activity competence, confidentiality, respect, honesty and loyalty in relations with clients, professionals and counterparts, and it is thanks to this specific training that it is able to offer qualified judicial and extrajudicial assistance, in corporate, banking, bankruptcy, real estate executive.